Disinformation training on international nonproliferation norms

Together with CRDF Global and Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab), Sayara International delivered a free virtual training course in August 2022 called “Countering Disinformation that Undermines Nonproliferation Norms”.

Drawing on our insights and expertise in social and behavior change communications (SBCC), Sayara delivered seven of the 13 modules across the training course. Technical experts from Sayara and DFRLab covered topics which are crucial in efforts to identify and disrupt malign influence campaigns intended to weaken international nonproliferation norms. These topics included:

  • Tools for analyzing and understanding audiences targeted by Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) disinformation.
  • Strategies for crisis management and communication.
  • Long-term resilience and preparedness strategies.
  • Best practices for engaging policy makers and scientific experts in the aftermath of a crisis.
  • Scientific contributions to discourses on nonproliferation.
  • Best practices for engaging journalists in the aftermath of a nonproliferation-related crisis.
  • A framework for interdisciplinary solutions to the issue of WMD-related disinformation.


Delivered over six sessions, we engaged 77 participants representing 16 countries in Eastern Europe and Central, South, and Southeast Asia. Across those regions, the course participants represented three target audiences: (1) government officials, (2) academics and scientists, and (3) civil society stakeholders. To maximize our reach and engagement, the course was taught in English, Indonesian, Russian, and Thai.

This training course forms part of Sayara’s broader work to counter disinformation globally. Our research and insights show how crucial it is to build resilience against malign narratives and influence campaigns that continue to spread throughout both traditional media and digital media.

Learn more about our work in other parts of the world – read about the “Truth About COVID-19″ program in the Sahel region here.