Venezuelans in Colombia: Understanding the implications of the migrants crisis in Maicao (La Guajira)

Sayara is currently conducting a research project to study Venezuelan refugees in Colombia in an effort to understand the implications of the refugee crisis. this December.

By mapping humanitarian aid efforts and studying the collective attitudes and perceptions of the migrant population in Maicao, Colombia, Sayara hopes to accomplish three objectives;

1) to provide stakeholders with a better understanding of migratory trends and the profile of migrant ecosystems,
2) provide migrants with a map of services available to them through government agencies, international NGOs, and civil society organizations, 3) to understand the how to better design activities adapted to migrant needs (research, capacity building, communications).

This information will allow local and international actors to understand the current and future repercussions of the refugee crisis, aiding the design of more effective programs and policies to address the crisis with sustainable solutions.

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